Chabad of Port Washington
Chabad of Port Washington
  Email: [email protected] Voice: 516-767-8672

Coffee & Parsha
Coffee & Parsha
Daily Coffee and Parsha

Every Weekday Monday - Friday following services | 7:45-8:15 AM
(Services begin 7am)

In-depth study of weekly Torah portion using the text and classic commentary
For men & women. All are welcome, no membership required. No previous knowledge necessary.


A Word from the Rabbi

While introducing the iPad, Steve Jobs once said that Apple doesn't do market research for new products.  He said, "The customer doesn't have to know what he wants."  He quote Henry Ford who famously said: If I would have asked my customers what they wanted to see next, they would have said - a faster horse.

Judaism believes in the same philosophy. G‑d never took a survey among the Jewish people to see if they wanted to observe the Mitzvah of a Bris. He didn't ask us if we like the idea of fasting on Yom Kippur.

Yet, Jews circumcise their baby boys with joy and celebration. And they leave the Synagogue at the end of Yom Kippur with a big smile on their face.

G‑d knows better than us what's good for us!

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel

P.S. I was VERY heartened by the beautiful attendance last Shabbat for the first monthly Hebrew School Shabbat. Not only Hebrew School students, but also many of their parents took the time to attend Shul. I salute each of you who came. You gave your children an important Jewish learning experience, while at the same time showing them that Judaism is for grownups too...

Did you sign up for the AMEX program, which benefits Chabad and costs you nothing? If not, please click here to learn the details and to enroll.

Thank you!

Special thanks to Nancy Sinoway for doing such a wonderful job on repairing our Ark curtain at the Shul.

Much appreciated!

Calendar of Events

Nov 19

Tanya Class

Junior Congregation
Shabbat Mornings | 10:30 AM -12:00 PM

Join Rabbi W every Shabbat morning for Junior Congregation. Rabbi W leads a kid friendly family service, designed to teach the Shabbat songs and prayers, followed by creating lessons on the weekly Torah portion, songs, stories, games, activities and snack.

Nov 19

Tanya Class

Studies in Tanya
Every Shabbat Morning | 8:40-9:30 AM

Join us as we study the Tanya from the beginning. No previous knowledge necessary, just a strong interest in study of Torah & spiritual growth.

Nov 20


JLI - Fascinating Facts: Lesson 3

Angels, Blessings, and Evil Eyes
What is the evil eye? How does it work? Are we accompanied by guardian angels? Do they have wings? Join us as we enter the hidden world of the occult and investigate the fascinating interaction between matter and spirit.

Sunday, November 20 |10-11:30 AM
Click here for more info and to register online.

Nov 23

Men's Basketball

Men's Basketball Night for Chabad Members
Wednesdays at 7:30 - 8:30 PM

Contact Dr. Glen Ruben at: [email protected] - 516 729 8571. Click here for more info.

Dec 7

Parenting Class

Monthly Parenting Class
| At Chabad
Wednesday, December 7 | 11 AM

Monthly parenting class lead by Sara Paltiel of Chabad Port Washington.

Click here for more info. Please RSVP by calling the office 516 767 8672.

Dec 9

Shabbat Dinner

Annual Membership Shabbat Dinner

Friday Night, December 9th 2011
Services: 6:00 PM | Shabbat Dinner: 6:30 PM

Chabad Members are invited to join us for the annual Membership Dinner.

Join us to celebrate Shabbat with our community and have the opportunity of meeting and getting to know other members in the Chabad of Port Washington family.

Click here for more info and to RSVP online.
Rebbe E- Video
Rebbe E-video

Defend Your Parents

When the outrageous suggestion was made by a Jew to officially divide the Cave of the Patriarchs in half, a Muslim stood up and made a commotion.

Click here to watch an 8-minute clip.

Question of the Week
Lost Tribe in New Guinea?
By: Rabbi Aron Moss | Sydney, Australia

Did you see the video of the tribe in Papua New Guinea singing the Shema in Hebrew? It is just amazing! Are they a lost tribe of Israel? How else can you explain these natives in tribal dress singing Jewish prayers in perfect Hebrew? 

It is a very cute clip. But don't be fooled. Their ability to sing Hebrew songs doesn't make them Jewish. I can sing Awimbawe, that doesn't make me a long lost African. And anyway, a few features of their song just don't add up...


Board of Directors

Adam Katz, Esq., President

Frank Arnold
Bert Brodsky
Martin H. Brownstein, M.D.
Howard Fensterman, Esq.
M. Allan Hyman, Esq.
Sara E. Paltiel
Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel
Alan Rosenzweig
Alan Salzbank
Michael Samuel
Felix Sater


Shabbat Times
Candle Lighting Times for
Port Washington, NY
 [Based on Zip Code 11050]:
Shabbat Candle Lighting:
Friday, Nov 18
4:17 pm
Shabbat Ends:
Shabbat, Nov 19
5:18 pm
Torah Portion: Chayei Sarah

Kiddush Calendar

This week's kiddush is sponsored by Matt & Laurie Merlis in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Franklin Merlis  which will be celebrated at Chabad this Shabbos.

Click here to let us know if you'd like to sponsor a kiddush.

Community News

Susan Marcus-Eshel 11/18

Daniel Barak 11/20

Michael Freifeld 11/21
Dr. Marshall J. Hubsher 11/22

Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Freifeld 11/20

Lawrence & Millie Magid 11/23

Victor Gotbaum,
11/18/2011 | Heshvan 21, 5772
observed by Russ & Audrey Burman

Paul Winters,
(Pinchas ben Smelke)
11/18/2011 | Heshvan 21, 5772
observed by Michael & Tracy Winters

Gertrude Freifeld, (Chaya Golda)
11/21/2011 | Heshvan 24, 5772
observed by Edward & Becky Freifeld

Fannie Gischner,
11/21/2011 | Heshvan 24, 5772
observed by Edith Schneider

Eric Gotbaum,
11/24/2011 | Heshvan 27, 5772
observed by Russ & Audrey Burman

Russ and Audrey Burman

*CLICK HERE to convert any regular calendar date, birthday or Yartzeit to its corresponding Jewish-calendar date!

Daily Thought


All the elaborate proofs, all the philosophical machinations, none of that will never stand you firmly on your feet. There's only one thing that can give you that, and that's your own inherent conviction.

For even as your own mind flounders, you yourself know that this is so, and know that you believe it to be so. It is a conviction all the winds of the earth cannot uproot, that has carried us to this point in time, that has rendered us indestructible and timeless.

For it comes from within and from the heritage of your ancestors who believed as well, back to the invincible conviction of our father, Abraham, a man who took on the entire world .

The doubts, the hesitations, the vacillations, all these come to you from the outside. Your challenge is but to allow your inner knowledge to shine through and be your guide.

Inside is boundless power.

Schedule of Services

Sunday Morning

Services: 9:00 AM

Monday - Friday
Services: 7:00 AM

Friday Evening: Contact our office

Saturday Morning: 9:30 AM
Followed by Kiddush Luncheon at 12
Mincha: Following Lunch


Schedule of Classes

Weekly Torah Portion
Sundays | 10:00 - 11:30 AM

Coffee & Parsha Class

Monday - Friday | 7:45 - 8:15 AM

Tanya Class
with Rabbi Paltiel
Saturdays | 8:45-9:30 AM

for men with Rabbi Weinberg
Thursday evening at private home in town. Call for details.



Talon Air


This Week @
Women Share
The Ultimate Rebellion
Little did I know that a crazy rabbi dressed in a penguin suit, along with his wife, was about to turn my life completely upside down . . .
Lessons in Living Life
Once he was in the middle of a chat with G‑d Himself when some travelers appeared in the distance. He excused himself and ran off to invite in the guests!
Parshah in a Nutshell
Chayei Sarah
A bit about death, a lot about marriage and the art of storytelling. Also: four hundred shekels, ten camels, two bracelets and a ring. A third wife and six more sons.
Sarah Passes Away and Abraham Mourns Her...
Seizing the Moment (Video)
Are we as successful at living fully in the present?
Chabad-Lubavitch News from Around the World
South Florida Educational Institutions Combine Forces in Online Contest
Two Chabad-Lubavitch run non-profit organizations are working together to secure a $250,000 grant in the newest Chase Community Giving Competition.
Hungarian Government Grants School Building to Jewish Community
As part of its Holocaust reparations effort, the Hungarian government gifted a large school building in Budapest to the local Jewish community.
Longtime Mother of Parisian Jewry Passes Away
Rebbetzin Bassy Azimov, daughter of the famed Rabbi Bentzion Shemtov and one of the driving forces behind Paris' Jewish rebirth in the second half of the 20th century, passed away Monday. She was 67.
New Seminary Combines Worlds of Chasidism and Performance Art
Rivka Eilfort is an 18-year-old Chasidic singer and songwriter whose parents serve as Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries in southern California. She sings deep, mystical lyrics while playing the guitar like a natural star.
The Jewish Calendar
  Friday Cheshvan 21 | November 18
  Shabbat Cheshvan 22 | November 19
Today in Jewish HistoryLisbon Earthquake (1755)
  Sunday Cheshvan 23 | November 20
Today in Jewish HistoryHasmonean Holiday (137 BCE)
  Monday Cheshvan 24 | November 21
  Tuesday Cheshvan 25 | November 22

The Parshah In A Nutshell
Parshat Chayei Sarah
Sarah dies at age 127 and is buried in the Machpelah Cave in Hebron, which Abraham purchases from Ephron the Hittite for four hundred shekels of silver.

Abraham's servant, Eliezer, is sent, laden with gifts, to Charan, to find a wife for Isaac. At the village well, Eliezer asks G‑d for a sign: when the maidens come to the well, he will ask for some water to drink; the woman who will offer to give his camels to drink as well, shall be the one destined for his master's son.

Rebecca, the daughter of Abraham's nephew Bethuel, appears at the well and passes the "test." Eliezer is invited to their home, where he repeats the story of the day's events. Rebecca returns with Eliezer to the land of Canaan, where they encounter Isaac praying in the field. Isaac marries Rebecca, loves her, and is comforted over the loss of his mother.

Abraham takes a new wife, Keturah (Hagar) and fathers six additional sons, but Isaac is designated as his only heir. Abraham dies at age 175 and is buried beside Sarah by his two eldest sons, Isaac and Ishmael.