What can we do to help Israel?
Here are a few suggestions:
- Send charitable support to Israel. Some worthy causes on the front lines are:
Untied Hatzalah: https://israelrescue.org
Magen Dovid Edom: https://www.mdais.org/en
Chabad’s Terror Victims Fund: https://www.ctvp.org
Lone Soldier Fund: www.lonesoldiercenter.com
- Spread Pro Israel Messages via Social Media. Israel is asking for us to help spread the truth about the BIG LIE of our generation, which unfortunately has been accepted by many intelligent, well-meaning people. With European Nations coming out for Israel, my hope is this tragedy will help clear that terrible smoke screen. Click here for a folder with social media content explaining to the world what happened in israel. Please forward to people to post in support of israel.
- Recite Daily Psalms for Israel: The Chief Rabbinate has requested that we each recite each day Psalms chapters 20, 121 & 150.
- Join the MILLION MITZVAH CAMPAIGN: Chabad central is encouraging 1 million mitzvahs be done in merit of Israel. We have created our own Port Washington “page” where you can help us reach our local goal of 500 mitzvahs. Visit: onemitzvah.org/israel/chabadpw
- GUYS - IT’S TIME FOR TEFILLIN: The Rebbe emphasized during the ‘67 & Yom Kippur wars that Tefillin is a powerful weapon to frighten our enemies based on a verse in the Torah. MEN: Please consider doing your tefillin daily, at least during this very painful time. Click here to join a WhatsApp group called TEFILLIN PW, to post your daily photo wearing Tefillin, to inspire yourself and others. Click here for a video of the Rebbe's Tefilin campaign.
- KEEP STRONG WITH FAITH & TRUST. AM YISROEL CHAI! Israel will emerge victorious, no question!