In just three days since the opening there has been a huge amount of interest and the mikvah has been used every evening. Women called to tell us that now that there was an attractive mikvah they would resume using the mikvah again, or commit to use it monthly. Others spoke with joy about no longer having to travel distances in order to find an attractive mikvah. This is a very exciting new chapter for Jewish women in Port Washington.
People have been asking how they can make an appointment to use the mikvah. As of today, you should call the office (516 767 8672) and they will put you through to the mikvah voice mail where you can leave a message. You will then get a call back from Rivkie, our mikvah coordinator, within hours. We plan to set up a separate telephone number exclusively for the mikvah which will go directly to the coordinator.
In addition, our webmaster Shainy Blau is working diligently on a comprehensive web page which will include links to all sorts of helpful information; laws, customs and explanations about this very important mitzvah. The web site will also allow for people to request appointments to use the mikvah through a discreet, secure on line form that will go directly to the coordinator.
Stay tuned for information on a grand dedication celebration before Rosh Hashana, which will also include comprehensive lectures and seminars for women and couples interested in learning more.
If you would like to talk to me about mikvah please don't hesitate to give me a call (767 8672) or email ([email protected]). It would be my pleasure to make a private appointment with you to go over the details of why, how and when the mikvah is used. Please don't hesitate to call on me for guidance and help.
If you would like to make an appointment to visit the mikvah please call the office (767 8672) and they will put you right through. To learn more about this beautiful mitzvah, visit our article archive in the Jewish Woman's section of our comprehensive website: http://www.chabadpw.org/323424