Chabad of Port Washington Email: [email protected] Voice: 516-767-8672
You may have noticed that while our center is beautiful, spacious and clean, the parking lot has been a mess ever since construction of Phase III began, 3 years ago.
Adam Katz - President
Now, thanks to another extraordinary gift by our dedicated president Mr. Adam Katz, our parking lot will be beautifully paved to give our wonderful center the nice packaging it deserves.
Thank you Adam for your boundless generosity, first in Phase II, then in building our award winning MIKVAH, and last year completing the gorgeous gymnasium which is the talk of the town. May Hashem continue to shower His bountiful blessings upon you in health, happiness and success.
May I ask you for a favor?
It won't cost you any money; just a few minutes of your time.
I know you'll be happy you did it.
Rabbi Weinberg and I just returned from the International Shluchim Convention, attended by more than 3500 Chabad outreach rabbis from around the world. The gala banquet, attended by some 5000 people, was something to behold. The keynote address was delivered by UK's Chief Rabbi Lord Dr. Jonathan Sacks.
I ask a favor of you: Watch the speech.
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel
International Conference of Chabad Shluchim
Photo at the International Conference of Chabad Shluchim, of part of the Port Washington delegation: L-R Larry Magid, Dr. Marshall Hubsher, Alan Salzbank, Rabbi Paltiel, Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky - Chairman of Chabad International, Arnie Herz, Dr. Martin Brownstein, Rabbi Ilan Weinberg.
Rabbi Paltiel with Adam Katz and Chief Rabbi Sacks.
Chabad is currently in need of a vehicle.
Donate a car and receive a full tax deduction for the full market value of the vehicle.
Email [email protected] to donate.
Super League Program!
Boys and Girls Basketball programs at Chabad.
Click here for more info and to register.
Coffee & Parsha: Daily Torah Class
Monday - Friday | 7:45 - 8:15 AM
(services at 7:00 AM)
In-depth study of weekly Torah portion using the text and classic commentary.
For Men & Women. All are welcome, no membership required. No previous knowledge necessary. |
Monthly Parenting Class | At Chabad
Wednesday, December 7 | 10:45 AM
Monthly parenting class lead by Sara Paltiel of Chabad Port Washington.
Click here for more info. Please RSVP by calling the office 516 767 8672.
Men's Basketball Night for Chabad Members
Wednesdays at 7:30 - 8:30 PM
Contact Dr. Glen Ruben at: [email protected] - 516 729 8571. Click here for more info. |
Annual Membership Shabbat Dinner
Friday Night, December 9th 2011
Services: 6:00 PM | Shabbat Dinner: 6:30 PM
Chabad Members are invited to join us for the annual Membership Dinner.
Join us to celebrate Shabbat with our community and have the opportunity of meeting and getting to know other members in the Chabad of Port Washington family.
Click here for more info and to RSVP online. |
Jewish Girls Winter Retreat
December 22-26, Chanukah 5772 | Lake George, NY
Inviting all Jewish girls ages 8-15 to the winter weekend retreat. Enjoy exciting trips, awesome clubs, activities and lots more.
Click here for more info and to register. |
Your Deeper Mission
My father-in-law, the Rebbe, charged each individual with a specific mission designed to strengthen Judaism. One must keep in mind however, the words of the Zohar: "One layer of shell covers another layer of shell..." - There is always an internal dimension, something deeper than what meets the eye, and the deeper level itself has its own external and internal dimensions.
Click here to watch an 8-minute clip.
Couch Surfing Wipeout
By: Rabbi Aron Moss | Sydney, Australia
Question: I have been homeless for a month now. The lease on my apartment expired, the place I wanted to move into fell through at the last minute, so I searched and searched and came up with nothing. After a frazzling week of sleeping in my car I found myself "couch-surfing" and relying on friends. I am a self-reliant and independent guy who never needed anyone, so this is torture. I still have my faith in G‑d that has kept me sane, and I know things will work out. But it's taking a bit too long what does He want from me?
B"H |
Board of Directors
Adam Katz, Esq., President
Frank Arnold
Bert Brodsky
Martin H. Brownstein, M.D.
Howard Fensterman, Esq.
M. Allan Hyman, Esq.
Sara E. Paltiel
Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel
Alan Rosenzweig
Alan Salzbank
Michael Samuel
Felix Sater
Shabbat Times
Shabbat Candle Lighting: |
Friday, Dec 2
4:10 pm
Shabbat Ends: |
Shabbat, Dec 3
5:12 pm
Daily Thought
Trust, Not Faith
People ask, "How can I have confidence in G‑d? Confidence that He will take care of me, that everything will work out for the best? Perhaps I don't deserve the best. Perhaps I've already messed up so bad He no longer cares about me?"
These people have trust in G‑d all mixed up.
Trust is not faith. Faith is something you may or may not have. But trust is something you do. Hard.
Trust is when you are dragged by the currents of a mighty river and you cling with all your might to a rock you trust will not move. Trust is when, in times of trouble, you cleave so unshakably to the heavens that you pull them down to earth.
Trust is a mighty and heroic bonding of love. And, as with all love, it is reflected in the heart of the beloved. You bond with the Eternal Rock above, and the Above bonds with you. Then you are a fit vessel for all kinds of good.
Trust changes who you are. It changes your whole world. And it is available to anybody, at any moment, no matter who they were the moment before.
Vayeitzei |
Jacob travels to Haran, dreams of the ladder, works for his uncle Laban, marries Rachel and Leah, starts a family and flees with them.
Jacob Gets Going... |
Feeling Stuck?
G‑d steps back to grant us the freedom to determine how good, how kind and how Jewish we will, or will not, be.
...And Has a Dream |
Grab the Angels! (video)
Jacob's dream of angels ascending and descending on a ladder teaches us a lesson about seizing opportunities.
Jacob Marries... |
How Could Jacob Marry Two Sisters?
We know that Jacob kept the divine commandments. Why, then, did he marry sisters, a direct prohibition?
Brooklyn Cruise Terminal Erupts in Dance
The halls of the specially-decorated Brooklyn Cruise Terminal rocked with energy Sunday night as thousands of people attending the banquet of the 28th annual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries got up from their chairs to dance at the signature event.
Thousands of Rabbis Block Brooklyn Traffic
Traffic clogged along both sides of Brooklyn, N.Y.'s Eastern Parkway Sunday morning as thousands of rabbis assembled for their traditional group photo during the 28th annual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries. (Photo: Tina Fineberg/
British Chief Rabbi Applauds Change Sweeping Through Jewish World
Thousands of rabbinical scholars, Jewish community leaders, educators and counselors from around the world filled the landmark Brooklyn Cruise Terminal Sunday night for the gala banquet of the 28th annual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries.
At 77, Israeli Rabbi Becomes Oldest Director of New Chabad House
Young at heart and brimming with enthusiasm, Rabbi Sholom Ber Butman, 77, became the oldest person to open a new Chabad-Lubavitch center with the establishment of the 32nd Chabad House in Tel Aviv.
Parshat Vayeitzei
Jacob leaves his hometown of Beersheba and journeys to Haran. On the way, he encounters "the place" and sleeps there, dreaming of a ladder connecting heaven and earth, with angels climbing and descending on it; G‑d appears and promises that the land upon which he lies will be given to his descendents. In the morning, Jacob raises the stone on which he laid his head as an altar and monument, pledging that it will be made the house of G‑d.
In Haran, Jacob stays with and works for his uncle Laban, tending Laban's sheep. Laban agrees to give him his younger daughter, Rachel-whom Jacob loves-in marriage, in return for seven years' labor. But on the wedding night, Laban gives him his elder daughter, Leah, instead-a deception Jacob discovers only in the morning. Jacob marries Rachel, too, a week later, after agreeing to work another seven years for Laban.
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