G-d of heaven, Master of the world, look favorably upon the Town of North Hempstead. Bless these extraordinary individuals, chosen by thousands of people who have placed their faith and confidence in them to lead our Town.
Further bless these distinguished leaders that they may recognize that theirs is a G-d given position; that in the performance of their duty as our elected officials they are performing one of the Biblical Seven Universal Laws in order to ensure a peaceful and moral society governed by laws which are based in the recognition and acknowledgement of you – G-d – as the sovereign ruler of all men and all nations.
Grant us Almighty G-d that these leaders be aware of Your presence and that by laboring for the betterment of our Town they are doing your will.
May each of them be endowed with Divine inspiration to lead; with a spirit of wisdom, a spirit of understanding, and a spirit of counsel
Bless them with good health, wisdom, compassion, good cheer and good fellowship,
And let our beautiful Town serve as a beacon of light and a force for good, with a ripple effect to bring unity to a fractured world so much in need of healing
And may we finally merit to see the fulfillment of the Biblical prophecy of the era of redemption, of world peace, when all nations will live together in peace, harmony and mutual respect, under the banner of the Great Creator, and let us say Amen.